Friday, November 20, 2009

Cake Is Where Pain And cake collide

This picture is amazing. Chanel Iman is so pretty, and I absolutely love what she is wearing.

As you may have realized, this post has absolutely nothing to do with cake.

I'm very sorry if I disappointed you in some way, shape or form. I will make it up to you....some day.

Any way, Chanel Iman is a beauty to say the least. I just love the shape of her face.

Sorry, I was making fun of Jay Manuel.

I adore him. He's so cool. I think he might be gay, but I dunno.
Nor do I care.

Nor. that's a funny word.

In case you guys haven't noticed, I'm really random.

It might be because I should be in bed, and now I'm over tired.

Tomorrow's post will be better..

Oh look. Cake.

There. Now it's about cake.

All you nerdy people. Enjoy.